Thanks to Lisa for nominating me for the Liebster award! I think it’s a really cute idea, and this is the only post I’ve written so far which isn’t a poem, so that’s exciting. The award is supposed to be for those with under 200 followers, so I have nominated bloggers who I think have fewer than 200 followers, whose writings I enjoy!

Here are the rules:

  • Acknowledge the blog who nominated you
  • Answer the 11 questions your nominator asked
  • Nominate 11 other bloggers
  • Ask them 11 questions
  • Let them know you have nominated them

Let’s get to it, starting with Lisa’s questions!

  1. How did you become a blogger?

I like writing poems now and then but I didn’t want to pester my friends into reading them, so I thought I would put them online and hopefully strangers would read my work (and some did!).

2. What other hobbies do you have?

I love reading murder mysteries and watching true crime shows, I like to collect postcards, I enjoy singing, and I like to bake and visit museums and art galleries.

3. Would you prefer to live in another country and which?

The UK is nice but I lived in Austria last year and I would happily go back there too, it is very beautiful and full of history.

4.What sport do you prefer?

I am terrible at sport but if I had to pick one it would be running.

5. Who are the most important people in your life?

My family and my boyfriend.

6. Do you like to discuss? What about?

I have to be in the right mood for it! I think the biggest topic to debate is politics, and that can get pretty heated.

7.Do you have a pet?

I have a dog and she is such a pain, but she’s my pain and I love her very much. I also have two fish, and I used to have another dog and lots of chickens.

8. Do you have a sense of humour?

I think pretty much everyone has a sense of humour, although not everyone can laugh at themselves.

9. Are you an early riser?

Only when I have to.

10. What is your favourite meal?

Salmon and vegetable stir fry with ginger and teriyaki sauce.

11. Was the year 2017 a good one for you?

Overall, yes. I met some lovely people, visited some new countries, and ate a lot of good food. Let’s hope 2018 is even better.


Now for the 11 bloggers I nominate to receive the award, and pass it on if they wish:

The Girl with the Black Cat

Kimelene Carr


Afternoon Tea 4 Two

WCS Poetry



Bob Marshall

Introspection Connection

Poetry & Coffee

Nain Writes


Here are my 11 questions to you:

  1. Do you prefer typing or writing out by hand? Why?
  2. Is this your first blog?
  3. Which of your blog posts are you most proud of?
  4. What is your favourite place that you have only been to once?
  5. What pet peeve of yours do others not share?
  6. Which is better- a riddle or a joke?
  7. How would you rate your most recent camping experience out of 10?
  8. What is your favourite hot drink?
  9. Have you ever been to the zoo?
  10. Can you describe your time at school in 3 words?
  11. How do you feel about horror films?

I guess some of the questions are a bit out there but I hope some of you enjoy answering them and making your own post on the Liebster award! Happy blogging, everyone.

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